Date: Tue, 22 Mar 94 04:30:08 PST From: Ham-Ant Mailing List and Newsgroup Errors-To: Ham-Ant-Errors@UCSD.Edu Reply-To: Ham-Ant@UCSD.Edu Precedence: Bulk Subject: Ham-Ant Digest V94 #75 To: Ham-Ant Ham-Ant Digest Tue, 22 Mar 94 Volume 94 : Issue 75 Today's Topics: 5/8 over 1/4 design info needed Apt. 70cm/2m fixed antenna Best cars for mobile HF/VHF?? (2 msgs) CELLULAR PHONES-How increment reception? (2 msgs) FAQ (2 msgs) Information about plywood dish... Sexual Sin and Christian (2 msgs) Shortwave reception setup super antenna, ? Thick Ethernet as Transmission Line? Wanted: SGC SG-230 Send Replies or notes for publication to: Send subscription requests to: Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the Ham-Ant Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-ant". We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: 20 Mar 1994 12:31:48 -0800 From:!ucsnews!!!!gatech!swrinde!sgiblab!!!! Subject: 5/8 over 1/4 design info needed To: Having read several references to 5/8 over a 1/4 vertical antenna, I have not been able to find any fully detailed construction plans in the usual sources. Can anyone provide the details or point the way to an appropriate source ? I assume that the antenna would consist of a 5/8 element, 1/4 element and some sort of type of coil between the two elements along with the usual 4 ground radials. Thanks ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Mar 1994 03:38:15 GMT From: netcomsv!! Subject: Apt. 70cm/2m fixed antenna To: I'm looking to put up a 70cm/2m (dual-band) antenna on my apt. Zoning isn't a problem, but understanding what my options are is. While I'm not made of money, I'll pay for a good antenna. Help me understand how the many differing claims for gain, wind survivability, etc. translate into a great omnidirectional antenna. If warranted, I'll post a summary. Thx all, :-) M -- ------------------------+------------------------+--------------------------- Michael Sattler, KE6DZF | All that is required | Encrypt now; ask me how. Digital Jungle Software | for evil to triumph | Finger for PGP key. | is for {wo}men of good | GCSy+n+f+g+t+d--p--c++u+ +1.415.621.2903 | will to do nothing. | e+m++s++/rhw!l ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Mar 1994 20:17:13 GMT From:!!agate!!!!convex!!! Subject: Best cars for mobile HF/VHF?? To: Hey what about a HUMMER!! ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Mar 1994 14:59:01 GMT From:!!!!!hplextra!hplb!hpwin052!hpqmoea! Subject: Best cars for mobile HF/VHF?? To: Mike Willis ( wrote: : In article , (David Stockton) writes: : |> : |> I'm happy with my choice, a Diesel powered Range-Rover derivative : |> called a "Discovery" : |> : |> Give serious thought to Diesels, no ignition, no computers : |> : |> David GM4ZNX : Yes, but at a mere 18,000 pounds not many can afford such a car. Practically, I : found the Cavallier reasonable RF quiet. Fiat Uno, too noisy. Diesels are : definately better, they have a bigger battery too. : Mike 18,000 ho ho, you've been reading the brochures ! Just decide on a few creature comforts, a radio other than the one that comes standard (unbelievably nasty) and you are talking a lot more dosh still. I managed to resist the temptation of the central heating boiler and freezer, but occasionally wonder about adding a winch. The headlamps are a bit lacking (remember Spike Milligan's landladies' light-bulb jokes?) so a pair of decent lamps is essential, and the lamp bracket needed is #200+ bull-bar shaped... these things are not much diffeerent to range-rover prices when you get to decent levels of equipment... With a heavy trailer behind and a pair of large horses, it's true class shows. The local RIS man has been given a Discovery with a pneumatic mast through the roof. He's as happy as the proverbial dog with 2 tails. they've bolted a 240v generator where the airconditioner pump would go. Note for US readers, see lower photo on Feb QST cover to see one of these vehicles out for a little fun.... Cheers David ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Mar 1994 13:19:10 From:!!agate!!!!eff!!!chnews!!!brett_miller@@. Subject: CELLULAR PHONES-How increment reception? To: In article <> (Manuel Rodriguez T. (Hosp. Militar)) writes: >I want to increment the recception of my cellular phone. I have a house >on the beach, and there I can't receive the cell service, but 500 meters >near to the cell center, The signal is good. I don't have any montain or >big buildings between the cell center and the house. >How can I increment the recception of my phone. Can I build a special >antenna or probably buy a antenna amplifier to UHF?. How can I connect >that to the phone? Many of the factories in Southern China put up Yagi antennas to access the Hong Kong cellular system. This works quite well, as long as the cell you are accessing is not overcrowded (imaging 100's of factories all If you are able to attach an external antenna, then this should work for you. Brett Miller N7OLQ Intel Corp. American Fork, UT ------------------------------ Date: 21 Mar 1994 21:58:05 -0500 From:!!agate!!!!! Subject: CELLULAR PHONES-How increment reception? To: In article , (Brett Miller - N7OLQ) writes: >Many of the factories in Southern China put up Yagi antennas to access the >Hong Kong cellular system... Well, yeah, that will work fine if the system you're accessing does not reuse frequency sets extensively. Here in Phoenix, where we reuse channel sets well over a dozen times, if you were to set up a yagi antenna at the outskirts of town, you'd blast into more than one cell easily, meaning (1) the fellow cochannel with you in the "undesired" cell will clobber you, and (2) you will clobber the other fellow as well. Cellular telephony is predicated on the fact that no one goes around with high gain antennas on the "mobile" units. If the area in question is so sparse that there is virtually no frequency reuse, then fine. But you cause everyone problems in dense systems when you use high-gain antennas to gain access in fringe areas. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Mar 94 17:38:44 GMT From:!!!!charnel!!hookup!!eff!!! Subject: FAQ To: In article <> lmctrle@LMC.Ericsson.SE writes: > Please tell me how to obtain the FAQ on this newgroup. ftp login as anonymous password cd /pub/usenet-by-group/ dir That should provide you with a lot of material to browse through. 73 es GM from Jeff Amateur: WA6FWI@WA6FWI.#SOCA.CA.USA.NA | "You have a flair for adding Internet: | a fanciful dimension to any US Mail: PO Box 4425 Carson, CA 90749 | story." Phone: 1 (310) 324-6080 | Peking Noodle Co. ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Mar 1994 14:06:21 GMT From: agate!!!convex!!bushbaby! Subject: FAQ To: Hi, Please tell me how to obtain the FAQ on this newgroup. Kindly reply me via Email because I do not always have access to this group. Can anyone recommennd a good informative starting book on antenna theory and construction ? Thanks, /Trien ------------------------------ Date: 21 Mar 94 17:34:11 GMT From:!agate!!cleveland.Freenet.Edu! Subject: Information about plywood dish... To: Hi Everybody! I heard some years ago about a article published in the Radio Electronics Magazine concerning a antenna made of plywood for receiving of centimetrics waves using the Fresnel's principle. I'm in Brasil and, here I din't find any information about that. Any information will be very usefull. Thanks for all. Demilson Quintao PS: Is there anybody in Boulder? ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Mar 1994 14:40:55 GMT From:!!!!! Subject: Sexual Sin and Christian To: In (Brett Miller - N7OLQ) writes: >In article your-userid@node-name (Christian Sin) writes: >>Path:!!!eff!!!emory!swrinde!gatech!!!!user >>From: your-userid@node-name (Christian Sin) >>Newsgroups: >>Subject: Sexual Sin and Christian >>Followup-To: > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >I wonder if he knows where he posted this to? He probably saw the article on antenna ERECTION! ;-)) -- /`-_ { }/ Marquette Electronics, Inc \ / N9SQB, ARRL, Amateur Radio |__*| N9SQB @ WD9ANY.#MKE.WI.USA.NA ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Mar 1994 21:42:10 GMT From:!!!!charnel!!!eff!!! Subject: Sexual Sin and Christian To: In article , on Fri, 18 Mar 1994 14:23:34, Brett Miller - N7OLQ writes: >I wonder if he knows where he posted this to? Yeah, All over the place. It actually got a good flame war going on one of the groups (sci.skeptic?). It has been making the rounds since late last week. ************************************************************* *Thanks to the Interstate Highway System, it is now possible* *to travel across the country from coast to coast without * *seeing anything. --Charles Kuralt * * * *ALL STANDARD DISCLAIMERS APPLY, Next time, * *PDENNIS@VNET.IBM.COM A.K.A. PHIL DENNIS take the train! * ************************************************************* ------------------------------ Date: 21 Mar 94 07:24:12 CST From:!!!!!charnel!olivea!!sgiblab!swrinde!!hounix!mwk! Subject: Shortwave reception setup To: I'm connecting an 8 ft whip to a shortwave receiver via an MFJ antenna tuner to receive weather fax transmissions in the 5-3- MHz range. A couple of questions: 1. The antenna has a 3/8" thread at the base; I found a nylon base to screw it into. I have RG8x from the remote receiver+tuner. How do I connect coax to the whip? do I just take the core to the 3/8" thread and leave the shielding unconnected to the antenna? 2. MFJ recommend placing the antenna tuner at the base of the antenna rather than next to the receiver; does this recommendation apply to transmission (which I do not intend to use the setup for) more than reception? It is not possible for me to abide by this recommendation. 3. Connection the tuner to the radio, is it best to use the rca-style socket supplied on the receiver or take the coax core to the external rod antenna with a crocodile clip? Equipment: Sangean 803A MFJ Random Wire Tuner (m/n16010?) 8 ft Loran antenna (just a 3/8" threaded base) Replies here if you think this has a general interest, or by e mail. Thanks, jw -- Jeremy Waters ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 20 Mar 1994 17:53:50 EST From:!!!usc!!!psuvm! Subject: super antenna, ? To: using friend account for posting. reply or send an e-mail to please. recently i saw an advertisement of 'super antenna'. it said it works like a large satellite dish when you just plug it in. it uses the house electric wire system as a huge antenna system. so you can watch a lot of program on your tv set. i am totally a layman on this field. i think people who are using this netnews board are specialist for antenna. my question is, can it work as the ad says? or if any one has an experience in using it out there, could you share it with me? thanks in advance. again, please reply to ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 21 Mar 1994 01:43:24 GMT From:!!sgiblab!swrinde!emory!!!!!! Subject: Thick Ethernet as Transmission Line? To: uhhh...all of the thick etherNET cable I have seen has been either RG-213 or the Belden equivelent. Fancy colors or numbers sounds like the marketing deptartment working overtime. 73 de Glenn wb6w ------------------------------ Date: 21 Mar 1994 16:01:57 GMT From:!! Subject: Wanted: SGC SG-230 To: I'm looking for a used SGC SG-230, manufactured recently, incorporating the four-wire control cable (supporting remote lock-unlock mod) Mark, KB2IF ------------------------------ Date: 21 Mar 94 05:59:01 GMT From:!!!agate!!!!!alberta!atha!! To: References <2m4nj6$>, , .net Subject : Re: Thick Ethernet as Transmission Line? (Glenn Thomas) writes: >uhhh...all of the thick etherNET cable I have seen has been either RG-213 >or the Belden equivelent. Fancy colors or numbers sounds like the >marketing deptartment working overtime. Not always. For instance, orange-jacketed thick ethernet cable is plenum rated (ie, the fire marshall won't make you rip it out if you snake it through the building ventilation system). This is a Big Deal in lots of buildings that weren't built recently. Just because a feature is of no interest to hams doesn't mean it's of no value to anyone. regards, Ross ve6pdq -- Ross Alexander VE6PDQ, (403) 675 6311 ------------------------------ End of Ham-Ant Digest V94 #75 ******************************